The Only Path To Lasting Change

James Kahng
2 min readFeb 25, 2022

There is a way you see the world right now.

If that never changes, then there is very little actually changing about you.

Your ego has a sneaky ability to make you feel like you are changing when you are not.

Change is literally death. The death of your current habits, beliefs, and perspectives. So, it should feel like it too.

True change and true learning requires ego death.

This is inherently scary for the ego inside you. It will postpone, procrastinate, and convince in order to survive.

How then do we understand this and change?

Two steps.

First, find a very clear reason why this is necessary. A good place to start is remembering that you have limited time. Just like the day will end, so will your life. Keep this in mind so you do not delay changing. After that, find the inspiring vision to move towards and start starving your current self towards it.

Second, understand that your ego will not let go without a fight. This is good. If we were able to change quickly without a fight, then we would quickly die because then, it would be possible to quickly believe all sorts of insane nonsense without resistance.

Good. Work with the stability of your mind and understand that change will happen incrementally and with resistance. Then, begin applying pressure. You will fail and you will doubt. That is your current ego (your constructed self) dying and struggling to survive.

But then, it will give way.

For your most established beliefs, it will give way in a devastating way sometimes. You will be thrown into a loop of confusion and meaninglessness.

But then, you will “wash ashore”. Free from the dogma you were stuck in. Free to build your inspiring new life.

This is the path of progress. It is accomplished one ego death at a time.



James Kahng

Living with abandon. We are born into life, skydivers without a parachute.